Amaad’s priorities in the assembly
An Economy that works for All
No one in our community should work 40 hours a week and not be able to make ends meet, take care of their family and build wealth. We need to:
Fully fund Public Schools
Free meals at school for kids
Allow workers to form unions
Increase Child Care options for working families
Eliminating bureaucratic challenges to start and expand small business
Decrease housing cost by supporting tools to increase supply
End Predatory lending
Increase apprenticeships programs and workforce training
Expand BagerCare
Eliminate maternal health disparities
providing Mental Health Services
My family, and so many others in Green Bay, have struggled to find loved ones the mental health and addiction services they needed. As a state, wee need to:
Fully provide the funding that is needed to increase capacity,
Push for the policy changes we need to ensure people who need the services can receive them
Support through policy changes that allow public safety and public health departments to take on the growing crisis.
Creating Safe Streets for All
Our community deserves a walkable, bike friendly and safe community that everyone can enjoy. We need to:
Fund smart investments that reduce speeding and increase pedestrian safety
Support the creation of State Office of Violence Prevention utilizing a public health approach to addressing public safety
Increase funding for social workers in our local police force
Support public health training for public safety officials
Strengthening Democracy
In a time where every fundamental civil right is under threat, we need elected leaders who will:
Stand for every eligible voter to cast their ballot and make it easier to vote.
Push to hold extremists accountable for their threats to local election workers
Fully fund our elections
Support public policy that makes the lives of clerks easier.