Amaad Rivera Wagner’s Story
Amaad currently serves as the Chief of Staff to Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich where he leads efforts on policy and communications. He manages the 5-million-dollar JBS project that is developing a new neighborhood that includes a destination park, urban farm and equitable housing slated to be open in 2025. He manages federal funded projects with community partners, as well as coordinates the Mayor’s advisory councils for the Hmong, Latino and LGBT community. He serves as the Co-Chair of the Diversity and Inclusion task force for the Green Bay Chamber, and he served as the founding Co-Chair of the non-profit Advocacy Council for the United Way of Brown County.
In those roles, he helped secure the largest grant in the history of United Way to create a mobile resource center for Brown County, manage pilot projects to create more childcare options for working families, an initiative to help more people own homes in Green Bay and co-created a first-of-its-kind position to help small businesses grow.
Raised by a teenage single mother who struggled through homelessness, Amaad understands how communities can feel left behind and forgotten. Amaad entered politics helping his mom form a union, when she hadn’t received fair wages for years, and won. From there Amaad has served in roles at every level of government, from serving in state government as a housing policy director, to serving in the halls of Congress as a Policy Advisor to United States Senator Ed Markey.
Amaad lives in the Astor Park neighborhood, with his husband William and his two dogs Appa and Lambeau.